Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Teaching Mrs. Macks 4th Grade: 2nd week

So this week we were able to teach three lessons. The first one was continuing with the Navajo Native Americans and our focus was on legends. We had the kids review legends and why they are created. The students were then put in groups nad they wrote their own legends. The second lesson we were focusing on the Shoshone Native Americans. We created a powerpoint that we showed to them and discussed different things about the Shoshone. After the powerpoint we had them fill out a worksheet to help recall what was learned. The third lesson we talked to the students about pictographs. After teaching that we had them create their own pictographs and carve them into paris of plaster (Thanks to whoever did that in class, the kids loved it). it was a busy week but it was so fun. Hope everyone else is enjoying their classes.

1 comment:

amber said...

Thats awesome you were able to use the activity from class. I have been teaching in 4th grade as well. Me and Kirsten have been teaching about mountain men. IT has been really fun. I really like this age group. How about you?