Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Chapters 5 and 6

The first part of chapter five is talking about letting students know that they are important and that as teachers we need to do what we can to let the students learn. There were five main points also talked about. The first was curriculum that is important. The idea of this to me was that we need to focus on teaching students how to learn. One example that came to mind is something that has been discussed in my math class. It is the idea of guiding the students through learning instead of trying to get them to memorize the information. We need to teach them how to learn because of the fact we can not get through all the information we need to and have it be useful to the students. By keeping our curriculum and instruction focused we let our students know that their time is important and we don't want to waist that time. We also need to make sure that what is being taught does not put the students to sleep. We need to look at how the students are motivated and try to use these ideas in the lesson. Motivating the students will help to keep them focused and liking school. With the curriculum and instruction we need to make sure we are keeping the difficulty level up where it is manageable for each student. We do not want to keep them from learning but we want to make sure they are not bored. By making sure they are all working in their zone of proximal development we can keep them engaged and learning. This is not an easy task for teachers but can be done. We need to get to know our students so we can reach each one or at least as many as possible. To me scaffolding is one of the most important things a teacher can learn. We need to support and guide our students through the learning process. Each students needs will be different but we want all of our students to learn and not just some of them.
I loved the quote at the beginning of chapter 6 that read "All children can learn" does not mean "all children are the same". I love this quote because it is so true. Everybody can learn but that doesn't mean they learn the same way. I believe that I need to use all different types of learning strategies in order to reach all students. By capturing our students attention when first teaching a subject is vital. By telling them to turn to a page in the book we lose the students. Opening a lesson with personal stories (yours or the students can provide these)gives them a chance to talk and listen to what is going on. The students then can make personal connections to something they are learning and that makes it more likely that they will remember the lesson later. That is just one way of engaging the students. There are endless possibilities for getting students interested. I bleieve that as a teacher I need to move away from lecturing and get the students involved in the class through other means such as disscussions, or group work. I think that subjects should apply to real life. I hated math because I never saw real life application until I was in college. I think by using ideas that apply to a students life we help them to learn more and remember more. When we provide rubrics for whatever assignment students are working on we ensure that we are going to get what is needed. When rubrics are provided students know what is expected and what they need to do. This also gives them focus on what they are doing. We need to guide students and encourage them to learn. This also means that teachers have to be up to date on information and technology. We can hlep our students best when we are keeping up with the new ideas and technology.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fulfilling the Promise ch.3-4

I liked at the beginning of chapter three how it talked about how we can be a teacher and still have a life outside of the classroom. I liked how it said that we should also get to know our students not just inside the classroom but outside of it as well. We are not given the unrealistic job of trying to know all of the students and bond with all of them. I think that it is good to remind ourselves of that. It also lead me to the thought that I am not the only teacher the student will have. They will meet many and there will be some they get along with and some they don't. As teachers we need to do the best we can. There has to be respect in the classroom among the students and the teacher. Everyone should be respected, and feel comfortable in the classroom. The students are there to learn and we should give them the best chance of doing that while they are in our class. Chapter four focused on the environment you create in your class. I know that this is vital for every student. The environment sets the tone when students walk into your classroom. You need to make the enviroment fit your personality and ensure that you can teach in the class. This chapter also talks about the enviroment in reference to how the studnets interact and the communication in the class. As a teacher I feel that I need to build a community. A place for all to express ideas, learn and grow together. By letting students get to know one another I will build said classroom. I also need to have routines and guidlines for my classroom operation. I need to have boundaries but be flexible in case of what if's. The biggest idea was to make a community in the class and make a great learning environment.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Fulfilling the Promise 100-103

I liked the survey on page 102 it would be a great way for a teacher to get to know their students. It gives a little insight into their personality. It will also help a new teacher to be able to see how students learn best and then can use that information to create lesson plans or to tweak them.

I loved the attitude and interest survey that was online. It is easy and would be great for background on your students and what they think about reading. You can see who likes reading and who doesn't. I loved the ones about math. You could use these to see where students are before you start a section. This helps to let you know where to focus and what the students will need the most help in. I liked the six trait guide to revision it is helpful to students without them coming to the teacher for help.

I would most likely use most of the surveys in my class. I would vary when I used them and would also try to see which ones work best for which students. There were a few of them that I would do a before and after with to let the students know how and where they have progressed.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Fulfilling the Promise of the Differentiated Classroom

In chapter 1 the focus to me was on the idea of connecting with your students. As teachers we need to let our students know that we care and that they are in a safe environment. The focus was also treating kids as individuals and not as a group. We need to know the students and try to teach the best way that each of our students learn. This can be difficult but we can learn to reach all of the students.
Chapter 2 starts out talking about Maslow's hiearchy of needs. We need to make sure that basic needs are met so that the students can learn and are ready to learn. This chapter also goes into connecting to your students.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Hallmarks of a Differentiated Classroom

The first one I chose was; Absolute Clarity about what he or she wants the students to know, understand, and be able to do -about what is truly important to learn in this unit. I chose this one because if students understand what you want they will preform and do better in your class. The students will not be confused and trying to figure out what is going on.
The second one I chose was; Flexible use of time, space, and materials. I chose this one because it makes learning easier for the teacher and the students. The teacher can engage all of her students and can keep her/his sanity.
The third I chose was; Teacher's sights are high, just as student's sights are high. This I chose because I believe that the more we expect from our students the more they will do. Same thing if the students sights are high. They will push themselves to do more.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Morning Meetings

While reading the morning meeting packet I found that I want to do morning meetings. I kept thinking as I read that it is a good way to calm students down and get them ready to learn. I believe that it helps children get their wiggles out. They can then focus on doing the work. I know that it builds life long qualities they need.
I loved that the teachers invited the parents to come and observe morning meetings. It lets them know what their students are doing and gives them the chance to be part of the childrens lives at school.
I love the different parts of the morning meeting the greeting, the sharing and the group activity. The sharing is great for students to talk and learn more about each other. This also teaches them to listen to others and build a community. The group activity does the same thing you are connecting the children in an activity. They learn life skills that will always be useful.