Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Fulfilling the Promise of the Differentiated Classroom

In chapter 1 the focus to me was on the idea of connecting with your students. As teachers we need to let our students know that we care and that they are in a safe environment. The focus was also treating kids as individuals and not as a group. We need to know the students and try to teach the best way that each of our students learn. This can be difficult but we can learn to reach all of the students.
Chapter 2 starts out talking about Maslow's hiearchy of needs. We need to make sure that basic needs are met so that the students can learn and are ready to learn. This chapter also goes into connecting to your students.

1 comment:

Teacherheart said...

Your blog was a brief summary of what you believed each chapter to be about. I didn't sense that you were reflecting on having learned anything new, or gaining insights that would help you understand differentiation more deeply. Do you have any personal connections to the ideas in these chapters? 3 Points